Hello and Welcome

If you love writing, reading or critiquing, please stop by often to share your thoughts or alternatively join our website and introduce yourself to the friendly readers and writers at StoriesSpace.com.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Our Featured Writer of the Week is Dirty Martini

Alan Jankowski, otherwise known as Dirty Martini, is an active and well-liked member of StoriesSpace.com, both as an author and in the forums. When it comes to writing, his primary focus is poetry, and through his work he manages to shift effortlessly from one genre to another, covering a wide variety of topics such as heartbreak, writer's block and the positive impact of loved ones on his life.

By far, his most popular piece to-date is a gritty poem entitled Neon Sign. Filled with a palpable pain, the intensity of this submission has resonated with readers and fellow authors.

At the other end of the emotional spectrum is the positive and uplifting poem, Happiness and Purpose where Alan explores the mysteries of life and the importance of love and family.

Fellow StoriesSpace member, Magnificent1Rascal, commented on Happiness and Purpose: What a wonderful sentiment! Nicely expressed.

While Sprite said: This just struck me as unusually good, not that all of your poetry isn't, but this... a lot of thought went into it, or at least it's making me think... anyways, I loved it.

Alan's work is often thought-provoking and always entertaining. Please stop by and check out one of our site's favourite personalities and let him know your thoughts on his poetic offerings. With a collection of over sixty submissions, you're sure to find something in the profile of Dirty Martini to suit your tastes.

See you next time!


Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Inaugural Post!

Ah, the pressure of all this white space and deciding what to write.
My name's Lisa and I'm from the website storiesspace.com. We're an online community dedicated to writing, reading and providing light-hearted relief in the chat room and forums for those who are suffering from the dreaded writer's block...or who just like to indulge in a little procrastination from time to time. Not that I'm known for doing that! 
We officially launched the site in July last year and it's turning out to be a friendly, enjoyable place. My intention with this blog is to showcase the storiespoems and songs provided by our talented authors and to encourage others to join in our community.

So far, many poets have begun calling the site home and they're posting some wonderful work. New writers of fiction are always welcome to submit their stories or provide constructive critiques too.

If you have any feedback to offer, it's very much appreciated.

Anyone over the age of sixteen is able to join and our site is totally free. Please come and show your face (or another type of avatar!) around the place. Drop in and say hi. Flex your writing muscles or just enjoy reading the wide variety of work we already have on offer.
I hope to see you there!
